Work-Based Learning
Real World Experiences in Professional Settings

What is quality Work-Based Learning (WBL)?
Work-Based Learning is an authentic learning experience that allows students to explore their career goals, abilities, and interests while applying their academic and technical knowledge and skills in a real-world context. These experiences are planned and supervised by instructional staff in collaboration with business, industry, or community partners.
Students learn by observing and/or actually doing real work. Learning in the workplace or from industry professionals, in person, supports academic learning and promotes the development of broad transferable skills.
Quality Work-Based Learning includes related virtual activities for most WBL activity types. Virtual Work-Based Learning Activities are defined as those that promote “live” student contact with adult professionals and front-line workers through the use of technology. Other Virtual Activities are defined as those that are generally simulations or classroom activities and provide employer exposures through recordings, online research and related activities.
Learn MoreForm I - 9 Verification Process
The purpose of the Student Employment Verification Process is to verify that students can legally work in the United States by reviewing provided documentation. All students must complete the I-9 Verification process before they are cleared to work in their designated internship. A student only needs to verify once their entire high school career, although actualized working papers must be presented every year, if the student is under 18 years old.
The I-9 Form
The I-9 Form is used to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the US.
See the notes section for important information to keep in mind as you fill out the form.
Click on the links below to open or to download I-9 Form.
Important Notes
- Be sure to complete the form with the guidance of your parent / guardian.
- For security reasons, students MUST NOT include their Social Security number on the I-9 page 1.
- Double check your work for accuracy and completeness.
- If you need additional help or guidance, please reach out to your CTE Teacher or Mr. Kelley as soon as possible.
Pre-Appointment Actions
Complete the Verification Sign-in form linked below.
Be sure to have ready all the required documents outlined in the Student Employment Verification (SEV) Checklist linked below.
Documents should be original and current. Copies, photos, or expired documents will NOT be accepted.
Important Notes
- You will need to log in to access the verification form.
- You will need ONE document from each category in the list. All must be originals.
- Borough Support Manager will email students directly. Students will receive an email confirmation of the Verification Session (WBL coordinators and parents will also receive confirmation).
- Students will receive a reminder the day before their scheduled verification and another email approximately 5 minutes before the session starts. If they do not see the email in their inbox, they should check their Spam folder.
The Verification Appointment
Students will schedule their own individual verification appointments.
Students may sign up for a single slot using any of the Calendly links on the right——depending on their availability.
All verifications are now virtual, held using either Zoom, MS Teams, or Google Meet. Your Borough Support Manager will let you and your students know which platform they will be using in the confirmation email.
Students must include email addresses for both their parent or guardian, and their Work Based Learning Coordinator when scheduling a Verification Session.
Both the Parent and the Coordinator will be copied on the Verification invitation, ensuring that the parent/guardian is aware that video will be used for the verification, though their presence is NOT required.
Important Notes
- Be sure to complete all of the pre-appointment tasks prior to scheduling your Verification session.
- If you need additional help or guidance, please reach out to your CTE Teacher or Mr. Kelley as soon as possible.
Calendly Links
Attendance, Punctuality & Cancellations
It is the student's responsibility to be prepared and on time for their verification session.
Students who do not have all their documents with them at the time of the verification session must reschedule.
If the student misses the verification session, both the parent/guardian and the WBL coordinator will be notified.
If the student is late or misses a session twice, they will no longer be allowed to be verified on their own, and must make arrangements with their WBL Coordinator for another appointment, at which the coordinator will be present.
If the student needs to cancel the session, for any reason, they must do so at least 24 hours prior to the session.
Important Notes
- At all times, engage and behave with the utmost respect, professionalism, and openness.
- The Verification Appointment is NOT a job interview, but a step along the process to enable you to obtain employment and/or internship opportunities in the future.
- We know that life happens. However, please try your best not to cancel your appointment since they are usually hard to get in the window of time you most need it.
- Should you need to cancel, reach out to the WBL coordinator immediately to help you cancel and/or reschedule an appointment as soon as possible.
Working Papers Documents Hub

Process Overview
Here's a quick look at what you have to do to successfully obtain your working papers. Read through the information carefully. Make special note of what is optional vs required.

Frequently Asked Questions
Check out some responses to popular queries. Still need further assistance? Reach out to your CTE Teacher or Mr. Kelley for help. Also, see the Learning Center below.
Learning Center

Harvard CS Courses
Enjoy FREE access to Harvard's catalog of courses——ranging from computer science to business. Certificates are available.

Standford CS Courses
Take courses from Stanford faculty and industry experts at NO COST to you,. Learn new skills and explore new and emerging topics.

CodeAcademy Courses
Join the millions learning to code with Codecademy for FREE. Increase your marketability at no cost to you!

Amazon Web Cloud Computing
Build your cloud skills at your own pace, on your own time, and completely for FREE.

NPower IT Training Program
Npower offers FREE tech training programs with virtual instruction. Classes are held twice per year, and applications are considered on a rolling basis.

Coursera Classes
Transform you career with Coursera's online FREE courses. Enroll for free, earn a certificate, and build job-ready skills on your schedule. Join today!

O*Net Online
Find detailed descriptions of the world. Use comprehensive reports to learn about requirements, characteristics, and opportunities for your selected occupation.

Indeed High School Resumes
Indeed is a world renowned jobs search and education site. Use this resource to write a true and competitive resume!

Preparing A HS Resume
Use this classic blueprint and workbook for writing a resume. This work is specifically designed for high school students.

Resumes for College Applications
Get some pointers on how to craft your resume to support your college application.

Preparing for Interviews
Use this classic blueprint and workbook for writing a resume. This work is specifically designed for high school students.
Writing Cover Letters
Use this resource to learn how to write and structure cover letters as a High School student.

CTE Students Have Higher Median Earnings
Ever wonder what makes a CTE course of study so valuable? Read through this study from the US DOE.

Career & Technical Education in NYC
CTE presents all students with amazing opportunities. See how NYC does it better than most.

Certifications Benefit the Holder
Explore this brief article that explains why obtaining certifications benefits you.

CTE Data Story
Engage with this resource to learn what data says about CTE education and life-long earning.